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Release 1

Chapter 3 - NPC

Section IT (for use with Italian Language by Massimo Stella)

cuoco-node is a closed convnode.

The node of the cuoco is cuoco-node.

Gli spaghetti are a discussable.

Gli spaghetti are part of the cuoco.

The pollo_arrosto is a discussable.

The pollo_arrosto is part of the cuoco.

In Italian osservare is a verb.

After saying hello to the cuoco when the greeting type is explicit:

say "'Buongiorno' [regarding the player][dici] [ap the cuoco].[paragraph break][The cuoco] [regarding the player][ti] [regarding the cuoco][osservi] e [regarding the player][ti] [regarding the cuoco][chiedi]: 'Lei sembra affamato. Cosa vuole mangiare?'[add spaghetti ask suggestion][add pollo_arrosto ask suggestion]".

In Italian accorgere is a verb.

In Italian tornare is a verb.

After saying hello to the cuoco when the greeting type is implicit:

say "[The cuoco] [ti] [accorgi] di [regarding the player][te].[add spaghetti ask suggestion][add pollo_arrosto ask suggestion]".

In Italian concludere is a verb.

After saying goodbye to the cuoco when the farewell type is explicit:

say "'Addio!' [regarding the player][concludi].[paragraph break]'Addio' [regarding the player][ti] [regarding the cuoco][rispondi] e [torni] a cucinare."

After saying goodbye to the cuoco when the farewell type is implicit:

say "[The cuoco] [regarding the player][ti] [regarding the cuoco][saluti] e [torni] a cucinare."

Default Response of cuoco-node:

say "'Ha qualcosa di cui parlare o da chiedere? Altrimenti torno a cucinare' [regarding the cuoco][dici] [the cuoco] con impazienza.[list-topics][run paragraph on]".

In Italian stupito is an adjective.

In Italian affamato is an adjective.

Response of cuoco-node when asked about the spaghetti:

say "'Vorrei degli spaghetti, grazie' [regarding the player][chiedi] con gentilezza.[paragraph break]'Vuole mangiare degli spaghetti di prima mattina? De gustibus!' [regarding the cuoco][chiedi] [stupito].[paragraph break][remove spaghetti ask suggestion][list-topics][run paragraph on]".

Response of cuoco-node when asked about the pollo_arrosto:

say "'Vorrei del [pollo], grazie' [regarding the player][chiedi] [affamato].[paragraph break]'[if the pollo is in the pentola][The pollo] è nella [pentola]. Si serva[otherwise if the player carries the pollo]Ce l[']ha in mano. Si serva[otherwise if the pollo is offstage][The pollo] era nella [pentola], ma ora non ne so più nulla[otherwise][The pollo] è [inp the location of the pollo]. Se lo cerchi[end if]'.[paragraph break][remove pollo_arrosto ask suggestion][list-topics][run paragraph on]".